Mini-Reviews// Moisturizer samples galore

As I may have previously mentioned in other posts, or just my Instagram, but I’ve been on a no-buy that I’ve been very shocked I’ve actually adhered to. I haven’t bought anything new since my Black Friday haul as an attempt to go through my samples stash. Also because I subscribe to the 3B Box, I get one or two full size samples so I always end up going one step forward, two steps back when trying to go through everything.

I’ve also been cutting things out of my routine, mainly my actives. I’ve been noticing my skin barrier is still pretty weak with some blemishes so I’m trying to be a bit more strategic with my use. So instead of a full barrage of Vitamin C, BHA and AHA, I alternate depending on what my skin looks like it would benefit with. This also slowed down my testing samples process a bit, but my skin is recovering slowly.

Regardless, I’ve been overdue with a KBeauty/ABeauty review so I’ll be quickly going down the line of the tiny samples I got with purchases. I didn’t get around to taking a picture of them but pics will come at a later date, but for the sake of my blog, I’ll do a quick write-up on them 🙂

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